Thursday, 25 November 2010



The director of bladrunner uses a high collection of close up and extreme close-ups shots. This is to present the detail of the subject which contributes towards the narrative.  The closes ups of the face allows the audience to view the characters facial expressions (frightened) which helps build tension. Hence the blood confirms violence as well as suggesting danger.  There are extreme close ups of the “eyes” which show the fear the protagonist has of this death (allows us to sympathises with the character).
Most scenes are shot from a high angle. The purpose of this is to make certain things look superior. For example when the protagonist is hanging off the building, the other character is shown dominant as he has the authority to save his life. At this point the audience is tensed because their “hero” is presented to be helpless and inferior.
The music is very dramatic at times to give the audience a negative and shocking vibe. This is used to build excitement and tension as the music is being reflective to of the narrative. For example the loud footsteps of the character running show his urgency to escape from the surroundings as he’s worried about his safety.
The sound is diegetic. For example the sounds of rain hitting the ground are dietetic as this sound belongs to the scene. This specific sound creates misty weather which could be used to symbolise the protagonist’s feelings. The mood of the scene also changes; this is presented through the different music genres. For example, as the protagonist is hanging off the building, relaxing music is played on the piano which is non-diegetic as the scene if stressful. However as the 2nd character releases the bird the sounds begin to seem diegetic, as the bird gains freedom.
The director uses pan to frame the scene. The purpose of this is to show surroundings of where the character s present and what key features are involved. Alternatively it allows the audience to follow the characters in the scene and their actions.

1 comment:

  1. WWW - You have explained the effect of some of the shots present successfully

    EBI - Analyse the mise-e-scene and shots used in more detail
