Saturday, 5 March 2011

Textual Analysis HW: Lynx Dry Advert

Textual Analysis HW: Lynx Dry Advert
How does the text follow the codes and convention of an advert?
The voice over used in this advert was a technique used to pass the message across as well as attracting the primary audience. “Girls only like dry guys” this portrays women in a superior position as this advert is based upon the needs and wants of women which our protagonist has to fulfil.
How are people and places represented in this advert?
The protagonists (the boy) is brutally dragged along the streets, at first the audience is just as confused as the person in the advert because we don’t’ know where the rope has come from. Later on we discover that there’s to girls in the sea however after we release that those girls are mermaids. At the protagonists is given less importance as he’s being controlled by girls. This represents the subordinate ideology which is shown superior in this advert.
What techniques does the advert use to appeal to its target audience?
Towards the end we hear a voice over which favours the women, suggesting that if you buy Lynx immediately you’re more likely to attract women. At this point the boys will feel motivated to buy the aftershave as they feel it will not just make them smell good but present them in a way which will attract women or mermaids. In late 1900 this was never the case, men would never make an effort to impress women however now that it’s happening its suggesting that men and women have both become equally important to both genders.
What does this text tell us about the media institutions involved?
Uri lever is the institution involved in this advert, they are the present organisation which suggests their ideas and thoughts are based upon the modern society today rather than 50years ago. In addition the institution is new which means it will include the typically norms and values for a women today which is to go out, work and keep men under control (well most of them anyway).

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