Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Sun advert “version 4.0”

Sun advert “version 4.0”
Codes & Conventions: How does the advert use codes and conventions to appeal to its audience?
This avert is tagetting a low social econiomic group. This sugggest that the budget of this advert will be low and the codes and convections very simple.
Representation: How is new technology represented in the advertisement?
This advert is mocking the ipod as well as the fetaures it contains. For example “verion 4.0” for a newspaper isnt relaistic, its bringing in the idea of new versions and applciations an ipod includes.

Media Institutions: What does the advertisement tell you about the values and ideologies of the Sun newspaper
The purpose pf thios advert is to inform the audeince that the sun newspaper is eqaully good as the ipod if not better and cost effective. It suggetsts that the newspaper has many features by which you can play games, get the weather report, celeb gossip etc. In addition this advert is tageting those who dont have an ipod howvere can enjoy the same fun by reading a newspaper.

Audience: How does the advertisement appeal to its audience?
The advert includes the “sun newspaper” therefore their target audeince  must be people whop read the sun newspaper or people who are interested in buying the latest ipod. I would assume that the social economic group would be D C2 C1, who are capable of affording the sun newspaper and majority who can purchase the ipod.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

T-Mobile Dance Advert

T-Mobile Dance Advert
1.     What conventions of advertising are evident in this text?
The director has used different types of convections in order to present T-mobile. To begin with we are introduced to the area; time and date in which this “dance” event took place – Liverpool Street, 11am, 15th Jan 2009. Immediately we are aware of the location and as it’s familiar to the Londoners they will be attracted to this advert. People, who were unaware however present at this event will feel involved, therefore view the advert and tell family and friends to view it too. As a result more people are able to recognise the network and become known to their company.
The purpose of slogans is to send a message to your audience. In this case T-mobile slogan says “Life’s For Sharing”. This can be interpreted in many ways for example by becoming a part of T-mobile you are having communication across the world and sharing new etc. In addition T-mobile has passed their message along as well as giving the audience a phrase which the network can be recognised by. As a result more attraction of customers is expected.
Towards the end of the advert, when the audience has digested all the information the director includes a website. This is a persuasive technique which encourages people to go on the site and gain more information about the firm. As a result the audience is more satisfied and fell that they can trust T-mobile as they are now familiar which the products and services.
2.    How is technology represented in this advertisement?
Technology has expanded massively to an extent that communication can now be done through phones whereas in the early 19s it was through letters.  As we saw in the advert people were on their phone straight after the event had taken place. This builds the importance of mobiles as it’s now seen as a necessity to communicate. Through this development in technology we can now all communicate quick and easy with every little money. This has not only impacted the public but also the firms as more people are purchasing top quality and latest products – public assume the more expensive a product is the high the quality, therefore firms gain an opportunity to increase pricing.

Friday, 11 February 2011


What techniques are present in the trailer which has persuaded the audience to go and watch the film?
The director of this film has included the pervious film name called adulthood. This will attract pervious fans who will be interested in going to watch the next sequence.  “SNHY” is the institution of this film who presents the movie- notice that there’s a dramatic sound to introduce the institution which immediately grabs attention. People who know this institution are more likely to visit the cinema as they are aware of the quality of films being shown.  Towards the end of the trailer the date of release is shown. The purpose of the date is a persuade people to go and watch it as they believe that the institution has given public a command.
How is gender presented?
All boys in the trailer carried a weapon; this empathises on their power in society.  The trailer was very violent and it’s had a lot of street crime. This may attract the unemployed, homeless and E social economic group who have turned into crime due to their position in society. This also represents the “ghetto” lifestyle people are living in the trailer as well as real life. Girls were attacked by boys (physically) however they were incapable of taking any action to defend themselves. This suggests that women are still subordinate and we live in a patriarchal society which benefits men- reflecting dominant ideology.  Hence black boys are commonly doing crime; this allows them to live up to their stereotype which is that “black ethnic groups tend to be troublemakers”. Furthermore this continues to portray a negative image of “black boys”.
What target audience will be attracted?
Some scenes are shot in London. This will specifically attract the Londoners who are “close to home” and want to see their streets or area shown in a successful film for popularity.  Furthermore most of the characters are dressed up in school uniform; this will attract the school kids as they believe they have something in common to the characters staring.  Hence this is reflecting the title of the film which includes the word “kid” then “ulthood” which may suggest the adaption of little kids into the adult world of crime.
What low budget values and characteristics can you identify?
This trailer didn’t include any major actors that would encourage the audience to go and watch the film. The characters weren’t well known which means the cost of featuring them in the film will be low despite of all the success and high revenue the film made.  There is very less recognisation of the director which indicates that he’s not as successful, therefore there are higher chances of the film flopping then being successful.  There are no major stunts either; this suggests there is no major attraction towards the film as it shows nothing exclusive.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Hyundai car advert

Hyundai car advert
What techniques are being used?
The director uses many techniques to attract his/h audience; one of the major methods includes the use of humour. It’s not so often we see a child driving and surfing, however this theme is available in the advert.  The overall purpose of this is to make the audience laugh and get on their positive side which will help you persuade them to buy the car. Furthermore the brands become recognisable.  The director has also included a slogan; via this we remember the brand when the phrase is heard. This is another techniques used to attract the audience as they become more familiar with the product.  Eventually the company is building a good relationship with the public. Majority of the public listens to music and the director has used this opportunity to meet the customer’s needs and wants, as the firm presents themselves fun and entertaining which is a tool to promote their car.
How is the gender presented in this advert?
At the beginning of the advert we are introduced to a baby boy. Immediately the audience will start giving the boy more importance than any other character. Then as we watch the advert we see the baby boy driving the car and the baby girl sitting in the passenger’s seat. This is supporting the patriarchal system as the boy Is shown more superiors than the girl. Then the boys role is presented dominant again as he’s surfing while the girl is sitting in the care watching. This suggests that boys are more powerful than women and present the females subordinate and indicate that they are incapable of competing with men.  Alternatively this advert is targeted towards men and women are continuously oppressed.
What is communicated about Hyundai brand & the experiences it offers?
The unusual thing about this advert is that it starts children. This suggests to the audience that the car itself is easy to use and suitable for all ages including “children”.  The brand is portayed friendly which will attract young adults specifically whom started driving recently, and require and friendly beginning.