Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Sun advert “version 4.0”

Sun advert “version 4.0”
Codes & Conventions: How does the advert use codes and conventions to appeal to its audience?
This avert is tagetting a low social econiomic group. This sugggest that the budget of this advert will be low and the codes and convections very simple.
Representation: How is new technology represented in the advertisement?
This advert is mocking the ipod as well as the fetaures it contains. For example “verion 4.0” for a newspaper isnt relaistic, its bringing in the idea of new versions and applciations an ipod includes.

Media Institutions: What does the advertisement tell you about the values and ideologies of the Sun newspaper
The purpose pf thios advert is to inform the audeince that the sun newspaper is eqaully good as the ipod if not better and cost effective. It suggetsts that the newspaper has many features by which you can play games, get the weather report, celeb gossip etc. In addition this advert is tageting those who dont have an ipod howvere can enjoy the same fun by reading a newspaper.

Audience: How does the advertisement appeal to its audience?
The advert includes the “sun newspaper” therefore their target audeince  must be people whop read the sun newspaper or people who are interested in buying the latest ipod. I would assume that the social economic group would be D C2 C1, who are capable of affording the sun newspaper and majority who can purchase the ipod.

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